Hi, I'm Lola!
I am 61 and Kopaonik is my second home for more than 30 years. Detox Plan I wish to propose you is rather my way of living for the past decade. It is not hi-tech nutrition based on limited intake of calories, carbs, fats and other nutitients helped by farmaceutical supliments. My way is much simpler, based on common sense and the rule I learned as a child, that you eat to live, not live to eat.
Nutrition based on fresh produce, a lot of vegetables and fruits, especially freshly picked wild berries, seeds and home-made diary and meat products with no processed food combined with every day physical activities are my healthy life style. I try to walk at least 7 miles every day, I eat only fresh, natural ingredients that I cook daily and I feel really great, despise the fact that I was over 50 quite a long time ago.
I wish to share my experiences as well as this beautiful mountain with all the women and men who, just as I do, want to fell good in their skin. During the Detox Plan I will be your chef, I will daily provide fresh ingredients and will be your guide and, hopefully, your inspiration. Plan is tailored to each group, so please, if you are interested in giving your life a quality kick, contact me for more detail. The Plan rates can be consulted here.